From The Desk Of: Katy Wilson Subject: How To Permanently Eliminate Psoriasis? |
I checked out books on diet and eating, herbal remedies for psoriasis, psoriasis home remedies - everything you could think of. I followed the directions completely and tried some things that I look back on and cringe because they were so outrageous. But let me say again - I was desperate!
Surprisingly, some of the things actually worked. A few points cleared up some very prevalent myths I had always heard about psoriasis (even from my doctors!) I started reading up more on what psoriasis triggers to avoid and how to take steps to avoid those red, patchy breakouts.
In two weeks, I noticed I wasn't itching as much. The redness and irritation started to disappear and I could actually see my REAL skin again. I couldn't contain my excitement!
The key to curing psoriasis is this: